Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Gratitude Diaries

The Power of Encouragement

I have learned many profound lessons during my 21 Days of Gratitude. I’ve had to embrace change—and a mindset change is never easy. It takes prayer, meditation, dedication, and true self discipline. After day 12, I continued writing my gratitude lists and journaling about my gratitude failures and victories. When challenges came on strong during certain days, I discovered that I needed the grace of God to remain grateful and positive! That grace often came through loving people in my life. For instance, when some random person would say or do something that didn’t make sense, or that would tick me off, I began to complain. Anger began taking over any hope of remaining grateful and positive. Then suddenly, as if summoned, someone would call me (out of the blue) to check on me and encourage me. That steered my mind away from the negativity arising within me.   

I am always grateful for the friends, associates, and family members who just call to check on me. They don’t want anything. They just call to chat. They offer advice on this or that. They offer some words of encouragement, and then they’re off. LOL! And, oh, how I love them! I thank God for these people who keep me positive when I’m shifting to negative Nancy mode! Actually, over the years, they have kept me from getting entangled in unnecessary drama!   

Days 13-19

“I’m grateful for the friends, associates, and family members who pray for me constantly, and encourage me every single day.”

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