Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rhassoul Clay Results. . .

Rhassoul Clay versus. . .

Bentonite Clay.

Hey guys,

I forgot to post the results of my Red Clay wash. I must say. I can't tell the difference. With the Rhassoul Clay (or Red Clay), my hair has more bounce. I think it's slightly shinier. The difference is very slight at this point but I do love the way my hair just kind of "hangs" now. And I did a facial mask with the Red Clay. The results of the mask just keep getting better. My skin is now even more toned! Yay!

Keep in mind if you try the Red Clay, be sure to use it in moderation. The application process is very messy. Whether you try the Red Clay or Bentonite Clay or some other luxury, be sure to do something to pamper yourself this week. Sometimes we can become so busy that we forget to take that much-needed "me" time.


1 comment:


I love clays for hair/skin! I'm glad it worked out for you...